Wallpaper for home improvement : no, it’s not a must of the 50s! Although the use of wallpaper may seem outdated and from a bygone era, today we will discover how it can be essential. But with what purpose? That of changing, or rather, distorting, one’s own home. If you also want to give a touch of renewal to your home, the solution is in front of your eyes. Today, in fact, we will explain how to use wallpaper to improve your home! So, if you’re ready, we can start!
Unlike traditional wallpaper, a new type of coating has been introduced over time. Washable wallpaper. As the term itself says, this type of paper can be cleaned without causing damage. But why was it necessary to create a washable wallpaper? Simple, so that it can be used in the most unthinkable areas of the house. Let’s see how.
Among the new types of wallpaper that you can take advantage of to improve your home, remember :
To change (obviously) are the material components that characterize it. In the first case it is a very delicate paper, therefore not suitable for areas that can be easily soiled.
The second is sealed, so you can safely clean with water and detergent. Suitable for the bathroom, of course. But it is not the most suitable.
The third type on the list, has a thick vinyl lining that allows the removal of even the most stubborn stains with a damp cloth. Ideal for damp environments and particularly busy areas, has a limit. It is not advisable to clean it with brushes.
The last type of paper is the one that offers the best in all respects. Ideal therefore both in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom, the paper parts resistant to scratches, will not give you any problem.
After analyzing the types of paper, let’s figure out how to position it.
Understanding how to use wallpaper to improve your home is not easy. The risk is to create too colorful environments that, in the long run could “tire”. For this reason it is necessary to follow some simple advice.
For areas that are not very bright, prefer simple, minimalist patterns, characterized by a maximum of two colors (one of which is very soft). The risk of exceeding the chromatic level would be to create an environment too dark.
In the bright areas instead, you can have fun. So use this element to choose even the most extravagant patterns. If the environment is already particularly colorful, also consider the possibility of leaving three walls monochrome and stick the paper only in the one where you want to give more character.
In bathrooms and kitchens, pay close attention to the type of furniture you find. Remember that wallpaper must complete an already pre-constructed piece of furniture. So stay in line with the style adopted in these rooms!
For today our guide is finished. And which wallpaper will you choose?
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