Moving to a smart city

What citizens want

We often created guides that described in detail how it was possible moving to a city, but not to a smart city. This term, which has now fully entered into our daily lives, makes us understand how the needs of each of us have changed. And with them, also the typical structure of any city. For this reason, today we will report the results of our analysis. On what future investors expect from a smart city and, above all, what they want! If you are ready to immerse yourself in the smart city of a not so distant future… well we can start!

Moving to a smart city

The current situation

We often wonder how satisfying our lives are. In terms of work, leisure, essential activities, services available. In short, it is a multiplicity of elements that define a perfect organizational system. Almost perfect. At a time when the digital age has become our age, the need to have a tailor-made city for us increases. After asking more than 10,000 citizens whether or not they were willing to leave their city for a smart city, we obtained the following results.

About 45% of respondents expressed the need rather than the desire to leave their city. For several reasons. Let’s find out which ones.

Moving to a smart city: motivations

We start from the assumption that the factor that most influences any process of choice (besides the financial one) is the cultural one. Those who live in the city and recognize the importance of elements such as environmental, economic and social sustainability, will appreciate the work of implementing the urban and political fabric of the city itself. However, not everyone is of the same opinion, precisely because of the lack of a cultural background able to fully understand the potential of a smart city. In detail :

  • 36% of respondents accuse the lack of sustainability as a primary concern.
  • The importance of cutting-edge technology in terms of smart-utilities is also underlined by 42 %.
  • The remaining percentage requires services that are less bureaucratic and closer to the citizen.

In short, living in a smart city would allow the individual citizen to see himself projected daily in a reality tailored to his needs. Moreover, it emerged from this survey that, over time, there has been a significant increase in interest in sustainability. (previously not considered as a primary element for the well-being of the community).

In short, in addition to services, there are many facets that have acquired importance. And not a few would be those who decide to move immediately to a smart city.

While waiting for this concept to become real, to the point of making the presence of non-smart cities anomalous, we advise you to stay updated. How ? Always browsing our Realigro portal. You will find a lot of information that will satisfy your thirst for knowledge in the world of real estate. In short, comfortable, simple and fast !

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