The international landscape

How real estate is presenting itself The new year has just begun, and it is important to know what the international real estate landscape looks like. Everyone knows by now that every economic sector has been targeted and affected by the Covid emergency. But the real estate sector has undergone the most significant change on […]

Trends in 2020

How they have changed As a year draws to a close, it is important to analyse trends in 2020 that have shaped real estate. As this year’s final guide, we will therefore focus on understanding the trends that have taken over our way of life. Especially those that have emerged as a result of the […]

Rocketing prices

The 2020 effect in real estate The year 2020 is drawing to a close, bringing with it a complete rocketing prices. As a result of the pandemic crisis, which has changed our habits considerably, this year is closing with profound changes. Especially in our sector. On this Christmas day, we would like to give an […]

Paris is not selling

The property crisis Paris is not selling. This is what the main newspapers are reporting. Unfortunately, as you know, the period is not the best, and all economic sectors are paying the price. But there is one element that has made the situation in Paris very interesting. Contrary to what usually happens, it seems that […]

Germany and offices

Collapse causes Covid to revive the economy. At a time when uncertainty reigns supreme, the office sector has also been hit hard by the need to convert to smart working. How will the situation evolve? Well, we will give you the answer to this question. But we can analyse for you and with you the […]

Most expensive cities

Influences the Covid factor We have often addressed the subject of the most expensive cities where to live. Needless to say, the pandemic has turned everything upside down. There have been many changes in the market that we have witnessed. And the real estate sector has not been exempt from these changes. The price index […]

Insulate from cold

New products for 2020 Every year we always try to find solutions to insulate our house from the cold. And because technology is renewed, but the problem persists, it is necessary to always be informed. At Realigro, we would like to inform you about how to insulate your home from the cold. With what materials, […]

Covid effect in Florida

Business moment The Covid effect has now affected almost every country in the world, including Florida. Wonderful, without a shadow of a doubt. But there is no shortage of problems, even in this land. Especially when it comes to real estate. Well, we at Realigro, today, want to share with you the changes in this […]

Indoor pollution

What’s new for your home Have you ever heard of indoor pollution? This is not a new type of pollution. Rather, it is a new form of pollution detection. Erroneously, we have always mentioned various well known types of pollution. Acoustic, air, soil, water. But do we know what kind of pollution can damage our […]

Rent bargaining

The best time According to statistical data, this is the best time for rent bargaining, you know? In a period of general uncertainty, such as the one we are experiencing, it would seem appropriate to invest. Not so much on the purchase of real estate. As they are easily influenced by the policies in a […]

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Nicola Pasa, Websigner & Web Programmer